
Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine #4 – now available to download

Dynamite Hemorrhage 4 coverBack issues of Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine have become awfully scarce all of sudden, with Dynamite Hemorrhage #1, #3 and now #4 having sold out. Thanks to those of you who ordered, sold or otherwise read them. #2 and the newest one, #5, are both available to purchase here.

I’m a big believer in keeping this stuff out there for those who might have missed out on physical copies, so here’s where you can go to read (and download a PDF of) Dynamite Hemorrhage #4.

This one featured zero ads and no contributors except for Jay this time. It also featured the following:

  • An interview with Julie Cooper of THE KIWI ANIMAL. She was one half of the 1980s New Zealand underground, independent folk duo, which also featured Brent Hayward (ex-Shoes This High) as the other half. Later expanded to a trio, their music ranks among the most sublime and creative sounds music of the era, and they continue to be criminally unrecognized, even by rabid aficionados of 80s Kiwi sounds.
  • THE SHIFTERS, Melbourne, Australia heroes of “alternative drunk pop jazzy ciggies neo-country jams”. We corralled them for an interview in an effort to get at the dark heart of their skiffle.
  • A record-by-record overview of HAPPY SQUID RECORDS, the label put together by John Talley-Jones of The Urinals in the late 1970s. It’s a look at their first ten years of existence, from The Urinals through 100 Flowers, Leaving Trains, Angst, God and the State and more. Even “The Rub”!
  • “100 45s That Moved Heaven and Earth” – the definitive argument-settling list of the best sub-underground rocknroll 45s of all time
  • “Free Jazz Libertines” column; 25+ record reviews and more (well, not really more – that was truly everything, honestly)

Download Dynamite Hemorrhage #4 here.


Now It’s a Download: Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine #3

My “policy” is that once an issue of the Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine has completely sold through, and won’t be reprinted, hey – there’s really no reason to keep it from being read by as many people as possible.

After all, some folks put a lot of sweat equity into Dynamite Hemorrhage #3, from contributing editor Erika Elizabeth, to writers Gregor Kessler and David Perron, to the bands & artists themselves: Sibylle Baier, The Coolies, World of Pooh, Sara Fancy, Tim Presley/White Fence, Unit 4, Lithics, Phil Milstein, Rays  and others. It oughta be available in perpetuity for their contributions alone.

So here it is – Issue #3, published in 2016, available for download. It was the last of the ad-supported, third-party-distributed, extremely-expensive issues we did (or will do).

Download Dynamite Hemorrhage #3 fanzine here.


Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine #5

Dynamite Hemorrhage #5Now that I’ve switched to the smaller-format, no-advertisements, black & white version of Dynamite Hemorrhage magazine, I’m finding it much easier to crank out new issues. So a mere four months after Dynamite Hemorrhage #4, I’m happy to announce the appearance of Dynamite Hemorrhage #5, which is available to order right here.

Here’s what you’ll find in the brand-new one, which is $5 + shipping anywhere in the world:

  • A deep overview of 1990s outsider label MAJORA RECORDS, featuring not one but two interviews with label founder Nick Schultz. Majora was a singularly unique record label that released strange musical transmissions from around the globe, including the bulk of the Sun City Girls’ work in the 90s, along with avant-folk, noise and fractured DIY from the likes of Dadamah, Leslie Q, Skullflower, Paris 1942, Eddy Detroit and others.
  • MAXINE FUNKE, a New Zealand-based solo artist who’s made some of the most transcendent, gentle, low- fidelity, super-minimal strum & voice recordings of the last decade. We’d never seen an interview of her anywhere before, and were happy to corral her for a talk on the eve of the release of her third album.
  • “PARALLEL WORLD PUNK-ERA 45s”. What if we just invented a ten-best list of punk-era 45rpm singles that never existed, but should have? This is a description of those ten records, and why each made the list.
  • Brief interview with the defunct 2011-2013 Brighton, England trio EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS, my favorite Bandcamp discovery of all time. Methodically minimal, slow-grinding, spooky, church organ-driven DIY postpunk. See what happens when we try to get them to reunite.
  • HEMORRHAGE IN DUB column on recent finds & reissues from the 1970s golden era of Jamaican dub
  • 25 record reviews

Order Dynamite Hemorrhage #5 here.


Now Available: Dynamite Hemorrhage #4

Dynamite Hemorrhage 4 coverI’ve got the newest edition of Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine now available and shipping.

Dynamite Hemorrhage #4 is a 40-page, “digest-sized” music fanzine devoted to sub-underground music from the last five decades. Unlike previous issues, this one’s a smaller, A5-sized thing with no advertisements. It features:

  • An interview with Julie Cooper of THE KIWI ANIMAL. She was one half of the 1980s New Zealand underground, independent folk duo, which also featured Brent Hayward (ex-Shoes This High) as the other half. Later expanded to a trio, their music ranks among the most sublime and creative sounds music of the era, and they continue to be criminally unrecognized, even by rabid aficionados of 80s Kiwi sounds.
  • THE SHIFTERS, the current Melbourne, Australia heroes of “alternative drunk pop jazzy ciggies neo-country jams”. We corral them for an interview in an effort to get at the dark heart of their skiffle.
  • A record-by-record overview of HAPPY SQUID RECORDS, the label put together by John Talley-Jones of The Urinals in the late 1970s. It’s a look at their first ten years of existence, from The Urinals through 100 Flowers, Leaving Trains, Angst, God and the State and more. Even “The Rub”!
  • “100 45s That Moved Heaven and Earth” – the definitive argument-settling list of the best sub-underground rocknroll 45s of all time
  • “Free Jazz Libertines” column; 25+ record reviews and more (well, not really more – that’s truly everything, honestly)



Dynamite Hemorrhage fanzine #1

Dynamite Hemorrhage 1 final coverI’d been missing from the print fanzine game for 15 years when I got a hankering to do one again in 2013. Originally Dynamite Hemorrhage was supposed to just be a Tumblr site; it then morphed into a podcast, and I had so much fun w/ that, I started writing again. I contacted Chris D. of the Flesh Eaters, and when he gave the green light for a interview about the pre-1980s early days of the band, I decided to go all-in for Dynamite Hemorrhage #1.

Now that I’ve finally sold out of that first 68-page issue from 2013, I’m making it available to anyone and everyone to download a full PDF of right here. (Issues #2 and #3 still very much available right here).

Thanks to Erika Elizabeth, who wrote half the record reviews for this one, and who was a huge impetus in not only helping me get it done but in getting me re-excited about modern music in the first place; to Sally Skull, Sex Tide, Household and Bona Dish for the other interviews; to Fuckin’ Record Reviews for a terrific piece on 1980s/90s fanzines; to Christine for the cover; and to anyone who advertised or bought this thing while it was around.

Download Dynamite Hemorrhage #1.


Dynamite Hemorrhage Fanzine

Dynamite Hemorrhage #3 is an 84-page music fanzine devoted to sub-underground music from the last five decades. Like the previous ones, this is an 8.5″x11″ MAGAZINE with a color cover and B&W insides. I put it out in May 2016, and I’ve still got copies for sale now for $5.99/each.

Order Dynamite Hemorrhage #3 fanzine here.

It features:

, as told through an interview with VUAS founder Phil Milstein.
Find out what it was like to lead the secret society of Velvets fiends
in the 1970s and how Milstein managed VUAS with the fans and with the
Velvet Underground members themselves.

– An epic, Homeric oral history of wiry & jagged 1980s San Francisco pop band WORLD OF POOH, as told by band members Barbara Manning, Brandan Kearney and Jay Paget themselves, as well as choice anecdotes from those who witnessed their rise, reign and collapse

– In-depth interviews with four of the finest acts making rock and
roll music in the year 2016: WHITE FENCE (Tim Presley); Portland, OR’s
; Oakland’s RAYS and Auckland’s THE COOLIES

– An interview with phenomenal lost folk singer SIBYLLE BAIER, whose
early 1970s recordings from Germany appeared a decade ago and stunned
the world. We found her & gave her the Dynamite Hemorrhage
once-over, and then went and interviewed & celebrated five of her
and MYRIAM GENDRON) as well as part of the piece

“BELOW THE FLYING NUN”, Gregor Kessler’s piece on some of the wildest and most obscure New Zealand 45s of the 1980s

– An interview with SARA FANCY, aka “Sara” from early 80s UK DIY acts
Sara Goes Pop and Amos & Sara. You’ll learn about her journey from
the squats of Europe to the bodybuilding competitions of the 90s to the
tranquil equine therapy practice she leads today. A fascinating glimpse
and first look back she’s given on her time spent making music with Jim
Welton (aka L Voag, Amos etc.)

– The first-ever posthumous interview with early 80s all-female
Belgian punk band UNIT 4, who surfaced on the “FM-BX Society Tape” in
1981 with four amazing songs of shimmering Kleenex/Delta 5/Au Pairs-ish

– David Perron’s “FREE FORM FREAKOUT” column of outside and experimental tape & LP releases from the last year

– Jay Hinman and Erika Elizabeth also wrote 82 record reviews devoted
to the nether regions of sub-underground rocknroll and elsewhere



Levande Begravd fanzine

LEVANDE BEGRAVD fanzine is a new one to me that I was fortunate enough to get a copy of recently, courtesy of one Marko Gillingsmark (the fella who puts it out).

Mr. Gillingsmark’s a Swede from Gothenburg, and it looks like this is the first one he’s attempted in English. Exceptionally well-done small-format mag that’s laser-targeted to those of us who prefer slopped-up, sub-underground DIY punk in many flavors – the stranger and more off-centered, the better. You can learn more about it and perhaps order up a copy yourself at their Facebook page.


Fordamning #10

FÖRDÄMNING fanzine #10, published by one M. Andersson out of Göteborg, Sweden, is now out and available for order here.

It’s one of my favorite modern ‘zines, partially because it mines such  deep-underground noise, experimental & abstract rock that I’ve truly never heard, nor heard of, 70+% of what’s covered here. And I like that – lots of limited-edition esoteric weirdness to contemplate trying to find, or at least try & stream somewhere online.

I’m not even much of a noise or soundscape listener – and yet Andersson’s a truly ear-to-the-ground chronicler of the cassette and CD-R underground, and makes me seek out the previously ignored. He throws it all together in a slapdash but eminently readable cut-n-paste style that really makes me want to ditch my own high-process fanzine style and go back to simple 6-page foldovers.

The new issue has a 1982 pic of The Fall on the cover; a waltz through the corners of the Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers catalog; an interview with a fella from the Pheromoans, reviews and more. Grab it here.